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  • High Horse

Will I do it again? (plus an update)

The Met Police seizing some particularly dangerous pink cushions at an XR Warehouse.

It's been too long since I updated this blog. I must have more self-discipline.

Since my last update, I have received a thick wad of papers from the Crown Prosecution Service, snappily titled 'Initial Details Pros Case' for 'Regina v Gary Lloyd. I like that. Me vs the Crown. You would think that the Crown would be more concerned with tackling the upcoming climate catastrophe than with tackling a middle-aged arthritic postman who 'encouraged protesters' by playing a drum badly... There are a LOT of mistakes, contradictions, and irrelevant statements in the prosecution's evidence. I'm not going into any detail here, as you never know who is reading this; but they will all be addressed in court. However, despite this; and despite the prosecution openly stating that they do not intend to contend ANY of the evidence relating to climate change and its catastrophic consequences (largely because it is A) backed up by peer reviewed science; B) True and C) they would make themselves look very silly in court if they did), everyone at the regular Friday XR trials has been convicted so far. My defence (and this is not secret, as I have to send a 'skeleton outline' of it to the prosecution) is one of necessity. I am not disputing that I was there; or that the Police warned me that I would be arrested if I refused to move; or that I failed to answer that warning and then sat down in the road. I am arguing that our actions were necessary to prevent imminent deaths from climate change around the world. The evidence of this is clear - approximately 5,000,000 between now and 2030 at conservative estimates, or 1,300 human beings every day, mostly the most vulnerable in the developing world (ie women, children, and the elderly). If that isn't an emergency then I don't know what is. Here's the evidence of my previous statement :

Anyway, I have plenty of work to do in researching the imminence of the threat to human life, as this seems to be the strongest line of defence that we have. Unfortunately, every rebel that has appeared in court so far has been convicted, with the Judge in the most recent cases finding that the imminence of the threat of loss of life is not proven. It is this argument that I will be attempting to challenge.

We are also just about to embark on the next rebellion in London, and this time all around the world. April's rebellion, which resulted in bringing the climate catastrophe to wider public attention and forcing Parliament to declare a climate emergency, was aimed at causing disruption to business in London. This time we are aiming to disrupt Government itself. As ever, we will be sticking to our core principles of love and non-violence. We are prepared to put our bodies and our liberty on the line, but will face all threats of violence with love and passive resistance. In fact the first violence of the October rebellion happened yesterday when the Police smashed down the doors of one of XR's storage buildings, carried out 'pre-emptive arrests' of ten volunteers on charges of 'conspiracy to cause a public nuisance' and carted off supplies and equipment including pink cushions (see photo above!), pita bread, bins, cooking equipment, and disabled toilets. This dangerous haul, which would have been used for such seditious purposes as feeding people; making them comfortable; keeping London tidy; and making the protests accessible for disabled people, was taken away at great public expense by dozens of specialist police and a fleet of lorries.

Of course, this is an inconvenience, but a call out on social media will ensure that all the seized supplies (and more) will be replaced by volunteers, and the heavy handed police tactics have backfired by causing a wave of anger and a renewed surge of volunteers for the rebellion. You can't confiscate an idea, and you can't Police thoughts and consciences (yet).

I salute everyone who is making the sacrifice and commitment to join the rebellion starting on Monday 7th October. You are all heroes. This is the moment to step forward and take responsibility for facilitating change to the destructive path that our Governments have set for decades. Things MUST change, or else future generations are doomed. The lie of infinite growth on a planet with finite resources must once and for all be lanced. I will be traveling to join the rebellion on Monday. I will not be actively seeking arrest, as the consequences will be harsher in a second trial; but of course I cannot guarantee that this won't happen, particularly as the Police have openly stated that they will use every power that they possess to prevent our right to peaceful protest. It won't be quite as friendly from the Police this time, but we will face possible arrest, intimidation and threats with love, non-violence, and stoicism. We do this for the Police's children too.

Dangerous far-left eco-mob (as described by Rupert Murdoch) Extinction Rebellion

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