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  • High Horse

Life - An Extremist Ideology?

Today's report in 'The Guardian' is honestly the most chilling thing that I have heard in a long time. British counter-terrorism police have included Extinction Rebellion and School Strikers inspired by Greta Thunberg in official guidance booklets issued to Teachers, Police, and Government Organisations, describing them as 'an extremist organisation' that should be reported to the authorities running the 'Prevent' programme. A screenshot from the document is reproduced above.

Let's just get this straight. A movement with the ethos of non-violence at it's heart, and which campaigns to prevent climate change and species extinction has been declared 'extremist' along with ISIS and Nazis. Schoolchildren who dare to stage climate strikes and campaign for a future for themselves are now at risk of being reported as domestic terrorists. It is simply unbelievable. Or is it? XR's tactics caused such levels of disruption that the Government were forced to sit up and take notice; and the British Government has a long and shady history of suppressing, often violently, movements which threaten to make it do things that it doesn't want to. Once it was clear that Boris Johnson and the Tories had won a clear majority I was expecting this, although not quite so blatantly or so soon. I thought it likely that the Tories would formulate laws to suppress XR's tactics, and I still expect this to happen. Our freedom to even question the destruction of the environment is under threat.

The document says that issues to look out for - signs of ‘extremism’ - include people who speak in “strong or emotive terms about environmental issues like climate change, ecology, species extinction, fracking, airport expansion or pollution”. Extinction Rebellion's lawyers have now responded saying 'How Dare They!' XR's statement continues:

In a world of misinformation, where lies travel faster than the truth, we can’t help but wonder was this a deliberate attempt to silence a legitimate cause. Wouldn’t it be nice if they focused on the real extremists, the fossil fuel companies and those that do their bidding. 

A record number of people in the UK have expressed concern over the climate and ecological emergency. The truth is out. 2020 is the year we must act to save our future. 

Former police Chief Superintendent Rob Cooper said “I find it astonishing that police in the Southeast of England regarded Extinction Rebellion as an extremist group. XR is non-violent group working hard to save the planet from government inaction and a climate and ecological emergency. 

“We are grateful to the Guardian for bringing this to light and note that national anti-terrorism officers will correct this ridiculous decision. 

“If they wish to add anyone to their list of extremist groups perhaps they should consider fossil fuel lobby groups – they seem to be very effective at indoctrinating politicians around the globe and enabling oil, gas and coal companies to receive massive subsidies whilst the planet burns.

Former police detective sergeant of the Metropolitan Police Paul Stephens said: “When are the police going to wake up?” The climate and ecological emergency is the most serious threat to public safety in history and the longer this government fails to address it and continues to invest in fossil fuels, the greater the problem will be for the police. 

“Who hasn’t criticised our system of government in recent years? Are we all extremists?

”I have never seen anyone in Extinction Rebellion encourage violence in any way to anyone. Quite the reverse. As a former police officer of 34 years experience, I seriously doubt the political independence of those who published this nonsense.

Fortunately, The Guardian's journalists have lived up to their name and uncovered this booklet and asked awkward questions, and the Government appear to have caved under pressure and withdrawn it. However, it clearly shows that the Government is rattled, and fully intends to attempt to silence and suppress our movement. Our democracy and freedom to question authority is paper thin. We MUST continue to fight, whatever they throw at us.

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